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Making an informed decision based upon facts, science and best practices is our goal. I believe you will see why I am so passionate sharing and educating others about what I have discovered. When you click 'ENTER' you will be asked for the password I supplied. Then have a pen & paper ready, turn up the speakers and enjoy what you are about to learn.

Discovery Center

Still not sure after the overview? We know from experience that making a solid, informed decision is critical. Hopefully, you will 'discover' all you need here. When you click 'ENTER' you will be asked for the password I supplied. Then have a pen & paper ready, read, watch and write down any questions. I, and my successful liked minded community will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

A One Of A Kind New Economy Model

Business is changing...commerce is changing...the job market is changing

Have you noticed? Two of the top 3 retailers are now online dot com companies who CARRY NO INVENTORY (Alibaba & Amazon). Netflix put Blockbuster out of business with THE EXACT SAME PRODUCT that Blockbuster carried. Uber is the largest taxi company in the world and OWNS NO TAXIS. Airbnb is the largest room provider and owns NO REAL ESTATE. All of these changes are 'disruptive' and are called Direct to Consumer. Two big things are happening with this disruption 1) Commerce is changing dramatically 2) The way to earn an income is changing dramatically. It is your time to get to know about these changes, and how to take full advantage of what's to come. You will discover Social Marketing here. Dream again...

It's your time, do not miss it!

About me.

I was most likely just like you are right now, probably curious, maybe inquisitive, possibly looking for something more in life. What I found has absolutely amazed me in many more ways than one. One of the best findings, for me, was this community of liked minded individuals, all banding and working together to better our world in so many ways that I would not have been able to accomplish alone. Read more

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About Me

About Me

Our partner company manufactures over 500 wellness focused, environmentally safe products, sells them at reasonable prices, and gives all customers the opportunity to share in the revenues. By manufacturing in North America, on demand, and eliminating the costs of warehousing / distribution, advertising, and delivery to stores, the company saves the customer money, creates customer loyalty, and provides an opportunity for customers to build a sensible business with residual income.

Since its inception in 1985, this wellness focused manufacturing giant has been one of the fastest-growing businesses in America, with annual sales that have grown well over $1.5 billion per year.

Each year in mid-October, Inc. magazine releases its INC. 500 issue, which lists the fastest growing privately held U.S. companies. Our partner company has been listed in Inc. 500 an incredible five times. Now, Inc. Magazine has added them to the prestigious Inc. 500 Hall of Fame!

Only 65 companies in history have been inducted into the Hall of Fame. You will find that this is one of the few companies on the list that has maintained an "A" profit rating each year, indicating a healthy, growing and vibrant organization. In fact, they are completely debt free.

We attribute this growth and success to a North America made unique product line, delivered fresh monthly right to your front door that delivers outstanding value as compared to the typical grocery store brands. We invite you to try our brand, we are confident you will love it!

Phone 1: (480) 707-3860